Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blog Response Number One

Good evening,

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Benedictine College on January 19th at 6:00 p.m.  We will meet in Room 208 in the Ferrell Academic Center.  On February 2nd, we will meet at Atchison Elementary School for our class session.  Our class that evening will begin at 6:30 p.m.
We DO NOT have class on February 9th due to the Atchison Elementary School parent teacher conferences...

Please do not forget to obtain your textbook, Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum, Second Edition.  R. Phyllis Gelineau.  Wadsworth.  This textbook will be used for both the music and art portions of our course.

PLEASE READ:  Chapter One (Arts in Education) and Chapter Two (Exploring Creativity in the Classroom) in our textbook. 

 - Young children and music learning
 - Developmental stages in Singing, Playing Instruments, and Movement (3 months to 5 years)
 - Content standards for Music:  Grades K through 12
 - Tips for leading a song, using instruments, developing music reading and notating skills and listening 

I will be looking forward to having each of you in my classroom over the next four weeks to observe.
Please use the Sign-Up Genius website to reserve your observation hours.  Please check your email to everyone on how to use this wonderful resource.  Observation hours must be completed before February 16th.

Since there might be several of you that attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C., I have located a few resources to get you on the "right note" with everyone.  Remember to send me a "note" to let me know if you will be attending the March.  I will leave necessary resources (syllabus and handouts) for you to obtain in the Education Department.  

Please remember to bring your recorders to our classrooms during your observation hours, especially for our fourth and fifth grade classes.

BEFORE OUR FIRST CLASS PERIOD write your responses to the following questions below.  You will need to join the blog site as a follower on the right hand of the page, where it states, "Join this site."  You will also find an example to guide your thoughts on the questions...

1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard?

2) Which standards were not covered in your elementary program?

3) Which standards were emphasized?

Also, there are couple of performances below to inspire you as you begin to work on your instruments...Choose your genre :)

The Baroque Soprano Recorder

Recorder Karate Lesson One

Recorder Karate Lesson Two

The Royal Wind

Formosa Recorder Quartet

Michala Petri and James Galway

Blessings for a wonderful semester,

Professor Weaver


  1. 1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard?
    No, my elementary school did not include opportunities to address each standard.

    2) Which standards were not covered in your elementary program?
    The standards that were not covered in my elementary program were responding, and connecting.

    3) Which standards were emphasized?
    The standards that were emphasized were creating and performing.

  2. 1) Why people might feel alienated toward the arts:
    There is "no right answer" in art, which can be relaxing and freeing for many, but at the same time I think there can be a greater tendency to compare yourself to others, and I know at least I did that and always felt as though others were better/more talented in art-related things, and that definitely discouraged me from participating in some art or music activities. I think a lot of alienation for people has to do with their embarrassment.

    2)Did my elementary school include opportunities to address the core music standards?
    My school kind of addressed the music standards - we were never specifically told what the standards were or anything, but I had music class 2 times a week and sometimes had art 1 time a week. In art we would create and in music we put on musicals and so we performed and responded.

    3) Which standards were not covered?
    All of the standards were covered in some way at some point in time, but I would say we didn't cover creating and responding as much.

    4) Which standards were emphasized?
    The performance standard was definitely emphasized the most.

  3. 1) Why people might feel alienated toward the arts:
    There is "no right answer" in art, which can be relaxing and freeing for many, but at the same time I think there can be a greater tendency to compare yourself to others, and I know at least I did that and always felt as though others were better/more talented in art-related things, and that definitely discouraged me from participating in some art or music activities. I think a lot of alienation for people has to do with their embarrassment.

    2)Did my elementary school include opportunities to address the core music standards?
    My school kind of addressed the music standards - we were never specifically told what the standards were or anything, but I had music class 2 times a week and sometimes had art 1 time a week. In art we would create and in music we put on musicals and so we performed and responded.

    3) Which standards were not covered?
    All of the standards were covered in some way at some point in time, but I would say we didn't cover creating and responding as much.

    4) Which standards were emphasized?
    The performance standard was definitely emphasized the most.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard? No it did not.

    2) Which standards were not covered in your elementary program? Responding.

    3) Which standards were emphasized? Creating and performing.

  6. 1) We really only covered creating and performing.
    2) Responding and connecting
    3) Of creating and performing, I think performing was more emphasized.

  7. 1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard? No it did not.

    2) Which standards were not covered in your elementary program? Responding and Creating

    3)Which standards were emphasized? Performing

  8. 1) My elementary school experience did not adreas all of the standards
    2) Creating were not covered.
    3) Performing and responding was a very big emphasis.

  9. 1. We did not have opportunities for each standard.
    2. Responding and connecting
    3. Preforming

  10. 1. Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard? No, it did not.

    2. Which standards were not covered in your elementary program? Responding
    3. Which standards were emphasized? Performing was emphasized the most.

  11. 1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard?
    I don't think so, no
    2) Which standards were not covered in your elementary program?
    Probably responding
    3) Which standards were emphasized?
    Creating and preforming

  12. 1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standard?
    No, we did not have opportunities to address each standard.
    2) Which standards were not covered in your elementary program?
    I would say responding and creating were not covered in my elementary program.
    3) Which standards were emphasized?
    Creating and performing were the parts that were not covered in our elementary program.

  13. 1) Did your elementary school music experience include opportunities to address each standards?
    I did. There were many opportunities for learning music and art. It was definitely something that was fostered in my elementary school.
    2) What standards were not covered in your elementary program?
    For the most part, the standards were covered fairly well. I feel like the one that lack the most coverage was connecting.
    3) Which standards were emphasized?
    Creating, performing, and responding were covered very well. I feel grateful for the formation I had.

  14. 1. We did not have opportunities for each standard.
    2. Responding and connecting
    3. Preforming

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. 1. I don't think we ever followed standards. I think our teacher did what she thought was important.
    2. We never did any creating or connecting in our class.
    3. I think the main focus was performing in music class.

  17. 1.) My school did follow the standards, though creating was emphasized less than performing and responding.
    2.)The standard for creating was significantly less emphasized in our class.
    3.) The main focus of the class was performing, and it came in many different forms. There was also a lot of responding as well.

  18. 1) My elementary school addressed the standards of performing, creating, and historical contexts.
    2) responding was less emphasized.
    3) performing and creating were more emphasized.

  19. 1)Although my music education experience was not at all standard-focused, I would say all the standards were addressed.
    2) If anything,creating was least emphasized.
    3) Performing and Responding were emphasized.

  20. 1.) My elementary school did not give us opportunities to address each standard.
    2.) Connecting was something that was never emphasized.
    3.) The standards that were the most emphasized were creating and responding.

  21. 1.) Yes, my elementary school music experiences included opportunities to address each standard. For example, in elementary school we got the opportunity to play an instrument, which was the recorder. We learned how to read music. Also, we listened to and sang a variety of music from different genres, historical periods, and cultures.
    2.) The standards in my elementary school were pretty much covered but connecting could have been emphasized a little more.
    3.) The standards I remember that were emphasized the most were reading music, playing and/or performing on an instrument such as the recorder, analyzing music, and listening to and/or singing a variety of music.

  22. 1.) I believe my elementary school music program did a good job of addressing most of these standards.

    2.) I believe every standard was covered in some way throughout elementary school. Connecting wasn't necessarily emphasized because we were still so young, but as we got older we worked on connecting more.

    3.) I would say that performing and creating were both emphasized the most. Especially as we got older, we were really able to be creative in music class and perform our own pieces, or put our own creative touch on a piece.

  23. 1. My elementary school incorporated all of the standards.
    2. Responding was not very emphasized.
    3. Preforming and creating were highly emphasized.
